Monday, March 30, 2015

Pure Adrenalin Rush !!!

All around the world there are so many air shows performed by some of the best pilots in the world. The Incredible Speed, The Spectacular Aerial Acrobatics, The Deafening Sound, The Ultimate Flying Machines, The Amazing Best Pilots, The Cheering Crowd on the Ground, .......... all ..... all powered by pure Adrenalin. I'll be honest I get my adrenalin rush just by looking at them, hearing them and ultimately capturing them.

These are Blue Angels from USA with F-18 Fighter Jets. They conduct this show all around USA in the summer time. They fly in the area on Thursday, mark their territory, do their practice round followed by Weekend of Showtime. The show attracts all of the age groups.

In some of their aerial formations, they fly as close as 18 inches from each other at that speed. Just to give you an idea lot of people have problems driving in their own lane at barely 50-60 mph speed causing accidents all over the place just because they can't wrap their brain around the dimensions of the lane and their own car. 

The precision, the accuracy, the decision making, the maneuvers, the G force ...... it is simply mind boggling even think about. 

I heard that once in a while they entertain the request to give someone a joy ride in one of these. Well I'm not a celebrity or any famous personality. I'm just a common man who rides on the adrenalin rush created by these Blue Angels. But if one of these Angels happens to see this or listen to my hidden wish, I'd love to volunteer next time they are in town.

You be the judge between the plane and the pilot as to who's Blue and Who's the Angel !!! 
What do you think? 

Camera: Canon 7D
Lens: Sigma 170-500mm

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